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Professor Jakelin Troy

About Jakelin 

Professor Jakelin Troy is Director of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research at the University of Sydney. Her research interest are currently focussed on documenting, describing and reviving Indigenous languages. She has a new focus on the Indigenous languages of Pakistan, including Saraiki of the Punjab and Torwali of Swat. She has two Australian Research Council Discovery Projects one with Prof John Maynard on the history of Aboriginal missions and reserves in eastern Australia and the history of Aboriginal people who were not institutionalised. The other DP is about the practise of 'corroboree' by Aboriginal people in the 'assimilation period' of the mid C20 in Australia. She is interested in the use of Indigenous research methodologies and community engaged research practises.


Jakelin is Aboriginal Australian and her community is Ngarigu of the Snowy Mountains in south eastern Australia.

Jaky's new photos.JPG
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